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Ficus exasperata 

Vahl 1805


(Life; Embryophyta (plants); Angiospermae (flowering plants); Eudicotyledons; Order: Rosales; Family: Moraceae; Genus: Ficus; Subgenus: Sycidium; Section: Sycidium)

Ficus_exasperata Ficus_exasperata
Ficus_exasperata Ficus_exasperata
Ficus_exasperata Ficus_exasperata



From Mozambique, Zambia and northern Angola to Senegal and Ethiopia. Also in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula and India.


Pollinator Kradibia gestroi afrum (Wiebes).


In evergreen forest, also in secondary forest.


(after C.C. Berg in Berg & Wiebes, 1992):

Biological form

Shrub or tree up to 20 m tall, terrestrial


shape & colour

distichous and alternate, ovate to elliptic, subcoriaceous to coriaceous, apex shortly acuminate, base acute to obtuse, upper surface scabrous



3-20 x 2-12 cm


lateral veins

3-5 pairs, basal pair branched reaching margin at or above middle of the lamina



0.5-4 cm long


0.2-0.5 cm long, strigose, caducous



solitary or in pairs in the leaf axils, rarely on older wood



subglobose, Æ 1-2.5 cm (fresh), hispidulous



0.5-1 cm long


basal bracts

1 mm long, scattered on the peduncle


Berg, C.C. 1988. New taxa and combinations in Ficus (Moraceae) in Africa. Kew Bulletin 43: 77- 97.

Berg, C.C. 1989. Moraceae. In: R.M. Polhill (ed.) Flora of Tropical East Africa. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam.

Berg, C.C. 1990. Distribution of African taxa of Ficus (Moraccae). [Proc. 12th AETFAT]. Mitt. inst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg 23: 401-405.

Berg, C.C. 1990. Annotated check-list of the Ficus species of the African floristic region, with special reference and a key to the taxa of southern Africa. Kirkia, 13: 253-291.

Berg, C.C. 1991. Moraceae. In: E. Launert & G.Y. Pope (eds) Flora Zambesiaca 9, 6. Natural History Museum, London.

Berg, C.C. & Hijman, M.E.E. 1989. Chapter 11. Ficus. Flora of Tropical East Africa (ed. R.M. Polhill). 43-86. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam.

Berg, C.C., Hijman, M.E.E. & Weerdenburg, J.C.A. 1984. Moracées (incl. Cécropiacées). Flore du Gabon 26: 1276.

Berg, C.C., Hijman, M.E.E. & Weerdenburg, J.C.A. 1985. Moracées (incl. Cécropiacées). Flore du Cameroun 28: 1298.

Berg, C.C. & Wiebes, J.T. 1992. African fig trees and fig wasps. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Amsterdam, 1-298 pp.

Burrows, J. & Burrows, S. 2003. Figs of southern & south-central Africa. Umdaus Press, Hatfield. 379 pp.


Photographs © Jean-Yves Rasplus (INRA) or © Simon van Noort (Iziko Museums of South Africa).

Ficus lateriflora Vahl

Web authors Simon van Noort (Iziko South African Museum)

and Jean-Yves Rasplus (INRA, France)


Citation: van Noort, S. & Rasplus, JY. 2025. Figweb: figs and fig wasps of the world. URL: www.figweb.org(Accessed on <day-month-year>).

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