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Subsection Auratae

(Life; Embryophyta (plants); Angiospermae (flowering plants); Eudicotyledons; Order: Rosales; Family: Moraceae; Genus: Ficus; Subgenus: Ficus; Section: Eriosycea)


Ficus androchaete Corner


Ficus aurata (Miq.) Miq.


Ficus aureocordata Corner


Ficus auricoma Corner ex C.C. Berg


Ficus bruneiensis Corner


Ficus brunneoaurata Corner


Ficus diamantiphylla Corner


Ficus endospermifolia Corner


Ficus eumorpha Corner


Ficus inaequipetiolata Merr.


Ficus macilenta King


Ficus paramorpha Corner


Ficus setiflora Stapf


Ficus subglabritepala C.C. Berg


Berg, C.C.  & Corner, E.J.H. 2005. Moraceae - Ficus. Flora Malesiana Series I (Seed Plants) Volume 17/Part 2. National Herbarium of the Netherlands, Leiden.

Corner, E.J.H. 1965. Checklist of Ficus in Asia and Australasia with keys to identification. The Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 21: 1-186.


Photographs ©

Web authors Simon van Noort (Iziko South African Museum)

and Jean-Yves Rasplus (INRA, France)


Citation: van Noort, S. & Rasplus, JY. 2025. Figweb: figs and fig wasps of the world. URL: www.figweb.org(Accessed on <day-month-year>).

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