1 Notauli incomplete (1a). Upper
face smooth and lower face reticulate (1b). Ficus kerkhoveni ...
Conidarnes laevis
Farache &
Rasplus, 2015

Notauli complete (1’a). Face
entirely reticulate (1’b) ... 2

2 Sculpture of mesoscutum and
mesoscutellum mostly smooth, lateral lobes of mesoscutum engraved
reticulate (2a). Scrobe with a median longitudinal sulcus, extending
from median ocellus to interantennal area (2b).
Ficus altissima ...
Conidarnes sulcata
Farache &
Rasplus, 2015

- Sculpture of mesoscutum and
mesoscutellum reticulate (2’a), lateral lobes of mesoscutum
reticulate. Scrobe without a median longitudinal sulcus (2’b) ... 3

3 Antenna with one anellus (3a).
Funicular segments mostly transverse (3b). Ficus
pallescens ...
Conidarnes santineloi
Farache &
Rasplus, 2015

- Antenna with two anelli (3’a).
Funicular segments mostly as long as wide or slightly longer than
wide (3’b) ... 4

4 Ovipositor approximately 1.5 x
as long as body (4a). Metasoma ventrally yellow and dorsally dark
brown (4b) ...
Conidarnes achterbergi
Farache &
Rasplus, 2015

Ovipositor as long as body or
shorter (4’a). Coloration of metasoma homogeneously brown (4’b) ...

5 Ovipositor nearly as long as
body (5a). Supraclypeal area wide (5b). Ficus subtecta ...
Conidarnes subtectae
Farache &
Rasplus, 2015

Ovipositor nearly 0.5 x as long as
body (5’a). Supraclypeal area narrow (5’b) ... 6

6 Antennae inserted near the
middle line of compound eyes (6a). Supraclypeal area higher than
clypeus (6a). Propodeum with a reticulate median line, slightly
striate, and wider near the anterior margin of the propodeum (6b).
Ficus sumatrana ...
Conidarnes sumatranae
Farache &
Rasplus, 2015

inserted at the lower line of compound eyes
(Fig. 3D).
Supraclypeal area shorter than clypeus (Fig. 3D).
Propodeum without a well-established median line (Fig. 4B).
Ficus involucrata ...
Conidarnes bergi
Farache &
Rasplus, 2015