1 Body completely black or dark brown, including pronotum and
propodeum (1a). Scrobal depression and face engraved to reticulated

1 Body not completely black. Pronotum yellow at least
laterally, or propodeum yellow (1a). Scrobal depression mostly
smooth, face sculpture engraved to reticulated (1b)

2 Mesoscutum and scutellar-axillar complex strongly curved in
lateral view (2a). Supraclypeal area narrower than torulus (2b).
Frenal sulcus crenulated and conspicuous (2c). Metascutellum nearly
as long as, or longer than frenum (2c). Ex F. americana
subsp. andicola.
Idarnes gibberosus Farache &
Rasplus, 2016

2 Mesoscutum and scutellar-axillar complex not strongly
curved in lateral view (2a). Supraclypeal area as wide as, or wider
than torulus (2b).
Frenal sulcus not crenulated (2c). Metascutellum inconspicuous in
dorsal view (2c).
Ex F. hartwegii.

3 Frons becoming yellowish near clypeus. Supraclypeal area as
wide as torulus (Fig. 4G). Antenna with two anelli (Fig. 6G).
Postmarginal vein nearly absent (Fig. 14G). Ex F. hartwegii.
Idarnes comptoni Farache & Rasplus, 2016

3 Frons completely black. Supraclypeal area wider than
torulus (3a). Antenna with one anellus (3b). Postmarginal vein
nearly as long as 0.5Χ stigmal vein length (3c). Ex F. hartwegii.
Idarnes hansoni Bouček, 1993

4 Head and mesosoma brown black in lateral view; pronotum
yellow (4a), at least laterally, or propodeum yellow dorsally (4b)
4 Head and mesosoma predominantly yellow in lateral view

5 Axillula reticulated, without longitudinal striae (Fig.
13A). Notauli not crenulated (Fig. 13A). Ex F. americana.
Idarnes flavicrus Farache & Rasplus, 2016

5 Axillula longitudinally striated (5a). Notauli at
least slightly crenulated (5b)

6 Propodeum dorsally yellow (6a). Frenal sulcus conspicuous
(6b). Body length 1.8-2.1 mm

6 Propodeum dorsally brown (6a). Frenal sulcus
inconspicuous (6b). Body length 1.3-1.6 mm

7 Pronotum laterally brown. Legs brown (7a). Ovipositor
1.1-1.3Χ hind tibia length (7b). Ex F. americana & F.
Idarnes americanae Farache & Rasplus, 2016

7 Pronotum laterally yellow. Legs predominantly yellow.
Ovipositor 1.5Χ hind tibia length (Fig. 2H). Ex F. cremersi.
Idarnes cremersiae Farache & Rasplus, 2016

8 Hind coxae yellow (8a). Propodeal median line absent (8b).
Ex F. americana subsp. guianensis form mathewsii.
Idarnes amazonicus Farache & Rasplus, 2016

8 Hind coxae brown (8a). Propodeal median line
present as a faint longitudinal reticulation (8b). Ex F.
Idarnes brunneus Farache & Rasplus, 2016

9 Ovipositor nearly 2.5Χ as long as hind tibia or longer (9a)

9 Ovipositor as long as or shorter than 2Χ hind tibia (as in
Figs 2I, 3I, J)

10 Metasoma laterally yellow, dorsally with brown black
transversal stripes (10a).
Frenal sulcus conspicuous (10B).
F. aurea
form isophlebia
Idarnes flaviventris
Farache & Rasplus, 2016

10 Metasoma black (10a). Frenal sulcus inconspicuous, sparsely
crenulated (10b)

11 Scutellar-axillar complex dorsally black (11a). Supraclypeal
area narrower than torulus (11b). Anterior margin of propodeum
angulose medially (11c). First funicular segment with 1217
multiporous late sensilla (11d). Ex
F. obtusifolia.
Idarnes maximus
Farache & Rasplus, 2016

11 Mesosoma dorsally yellow (11a).
Supraclypeal area wider than torulus (11b). Anterior margin of
propodeum concave medially (11c). First funicular segment with 68
multiporous plate sensilla (11d). Ex F. popenoei.
Idarnes gordhi Farache & Rasplus, 2016

12 First funicular segment with more than four multiporous
plate sensilla (12a). Habitus (12b)

12 First funicular segment with four our less multiporous plate
sensilla (12a). Habitus in (12b). Colombia, Ex F. pertusa

13 Ovipositor as long as, or shorter than hind tibia (13a). Ex
F. citrifolia

13 Ovipositor longer than hind tibia (13a)

14 Metasoma laterally yellow (14a). Subantennal groove as long
as torulus (14b). Supraclypeal area wider than torulus (14b). Ex
F. citrifolia
Idarnes brevis Farache & Rasplus, 2016

14 Metasoma entirely black (14a). Subantennal groove longer
than torulus (14b). Supraclypeal area as wide as torulus (14b). Ex
F. citrifolia
Idarnes dimorphicus Farache & Rasplus,

15 Ovipositor 1.82Χ as long as hind tibia (15a). Supraclypeal
area narrower than torulus (15b)

15 Ovipositor 1Χ to 1.5Χ as long as hind tibia (15a).
Supraclypeal area as wide as torulus or wider (15b)

16 Metasoma ventrally yellow (Fig. 3I). Distance from torulus
to median ocellus 1.4Χ distance from torulus to oral margin (Fig.
5I). Antenna with one anellus. Ex F. crocata
pseudoflavus Farache & Rasplus, 2016

16 Metasoma ventrally brown-black (Fig. 3H). Distance
from torulus to median ocellus 0.9Χ distance from torulus to oral
margin (Fig. 3H). Antenna with 2 anelli. F. aurea form
Idarnes nigriventris Farache & Rasplus,

17 Scutellar-axillar complex smoky yellow, propodeum more
yellow (17a). Metasoma brown black (17b). POL 3Χ
OOL (17c). Ex F. americana subsp. Americana
ramirezi Farache & Rasplus, 2016

17 Scutellar-axillar complex yellow, nearly same colour as
propodeum (Fig. 11F). Metasoma brown black, first tergite and
ventral region yellow (Fig. 3F). POL 2.2Χ
OOL Ex F. aurea & F. citrifolia
Idarnes incertus
(Ashmead, 1900)

18 Head and mesosoma dorsally brown, slightly metallic green
(Fig. 8D). Frenal sulcus inconspicuous (Fig. 12D). Propodeal median
line inconspicuous (Fig. 12D). Ex F. pertusa
badiovertex Farache & Rasplus, 2016

18 Head and mesosoma yellow (Fig. 8A).
Frenal sulcus conspicuous (Fig. 12A).
Propodeal median line present, traceable at least in the anterior
half of propodeum
(Fig. 12A).
Ex F. pertusa
Idarnes amacayacuensis Farache &
Rasplus, 2016