1. Petiole conspicuous, at least
as long as broad (A); maxillary palpi four-segmented; labial palpi
three-segmented; postmarginal vein conspicuous (may be short) (B);
associated with Ficus subgenus Urostigma, section
Malvanthera, Australasia
Girault, 1927

- Petiole short and transverse
(a); maxillary palpi at most three-segmented; labial palpi at most
two-segmented, the second reduced as setae-like; postmarginal vein
inconspicuous or absent (b)

2. Antennae inserted closer to
median ocellus than to clypeal margin (A); supraclypeal area higher
than clypeus and laterally well delimitated by line or groove (A);
ovipositor sheaths with a median constriction (B) (one exception:
Anidarnes dissidens Farache & Rasplus, 2013); scrobal cavity
including the median ocellus (A); associated with Ficus
subgenus Urostigma section Americana, Neotropical
Bouček, 1993

- Antennae inserted lower on head,
at mid line of compound eyes or below (a); supraclypeal area as high
as clypeus, poorly delimited laterally (a); ovipositor sheaths
without a median constriction (b); scrobal cavity not including the
median ocellus (a)

3. Malar sulcus present and
conspicuous (A, B); sculpture of the head and mesosoma can be
reticulated or engraved (A), or completely smooth (B); associated
with Ficus subgenus Sycomorus more rarely with
subgenus Urostigma section Americana; Old World
Westwood, 1840

- Malar sulcus absent (a);
sculpture of the mesosoma always reticulated or reticulate engraved
(a, b)

4. Toruli contiguous, the distance
between them much smaller than the torulus diameter (A);
interantennal projection absent (A); postmarginal vein inconspicuous
(B); head and mesosoma with metallic tinge (A); males always winged;
associated with Ficus subgenus Urostigma, section
Conosycea, Oriental region
Farache & Rasplus, 2015

- Toruli separated from each other
by about their diameter or more (a); interantennal projection
present, sometimes inconspicuous (a); postmarginal vein always
visible (b); head and mesosoma with metallic tinge or without,
yellowish, brown to black; males apterous, only winged in the
Idarnes incertus species-group

5. Pronotum medially more than 3/4
as long as mesoscutum (A); clypeus transverse (B), supraclypeal area
not defined laterally by grooves (B); associated with Ficus
subgenus Urostigma, section Malvanthera, Australasia
Ashmead, 1904

- Pronotum shorter than 3/4 of the
mesoscutum length (a); clypeus higher than wide or subquadrate (b),
supraclypeal area defined laterally by deep or shallow grooves (b)

6. Wings with dense and long
pilosity (A); interantennal projection conspicuous, blade-like,
extending well above the level of the toruli (B); parastigma
inflated and surrounded by a slight infuscation of the wing membrane
(A); body black without metallic tinge; associated with Ficus
subgenus Sycidium, section Sycidium, Eurasia
Liu, Rasplus & Huang, 2017.

- Wings with sparse and short
pilosity (a), stigmal vein with adstigmal setae (a); interantennal
projection not blade-like (b); parastigma not surrounded by a slight
infuscation (a); body with metallic tinge; when non-metallic (black,
yellow, brown) ovipositor sheaths much shorter than body length;
associated with Ficus subgenus Urostigma, section
Americana, Neotropical region
Walker, 1843