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Insect associations with fig trees


(Life: Kingdom: Metazoa (animals); Phylum: Arthropoda; Class: Hexapoda)


Fig wasps (Hymenoptera)

Myrina silenus (Common fig-tree blue)

Butterflies and Moths (Lepidoptera)

Leaf Hopper bugs Hilda patruelis (Hemiptera)


Fig tree borer beetle Phyrneta spinator (Coleoptera)


Photographs © Simon van Noort and Hamish Robertson (Iziko Museums of South Africa) or © Steve Woodhall.

Web authors Simon van Noort (Iziko South African Museum)

and Jean-Yves Rasplus (INRA, France)


Citation: van Noort, S. & Rasplus, JY. 2025. Figweb: figs and fig wasps of the world. URL: www.figweb.org(Accessed on <day-month-year>).

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