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Dates and activities:

19-22 June: ATBC 2012 (Bonito, MS).


23 June: Arrival of participants, and registration.

24 June: Opening ceremony, presentations, afternoon tour, and evening reception.

25 June: Presentations, poster section, and evening cultural event.

26 June: Presentations, poster section. Afternoon visit to University (lab and figs).

27 June: Visit to Cerrado park (Brazilian savanna). Closing ceremony and symposium dinner.


28 June: Post-symposium excursion: Coastal Atlantic Forest, Ubatuba city. Walk around for figs. Dinner and discussions.

29 June: Visit to Atlantic Forest, and afternoon visit to a historic city (Parati).

30 June: Departure to Sao Paulo (arrival at 11:30 am) airport and Ribeirao Preto city.




April 1st: Pre-registration.

April 15th: Abstract submission.





Dead line for pre-registration: April 1st 2012.

Please, check with the Brazilian embassy in your country for visa requirements.

Registration by e-mail to: Rodrigo Pereira.

The message should include:

a) Participant name and affiliation.

b) Confirmation (yes/no) in joining the post-symposium excursion. This

information is extremely important for the trip organization.

c) Type of room at hotel (see below).

d) Information about any special needs (e.g. Letter of invitation required by Visa

authorities in your country).

e) Number of accompanying persons (see below).


Registration fee


USD 250.00 (including symposium participation, meals, local excursions and cultural events). This low fee for all has been made possible through generous co-funding by University of Sao Paulo, and Brazilian agencies of Research support. For foreign participants the registration fee and the elective post-symposium excursion will be payed in cash (BRL, EUR or USD) on the first day. As the Fig Symposium is a small meeting, we are not able to receive payment by credit card or bank transfer.


Post-symposium excursion to Coast Atlantic Forest


USD 250.00. Fee includes meals, accommodation (in chalets for 4 persons – 2 double rooms), and transport (bus).


B&B homepage: http://www.pousadabetania.com.br/


Atlantic Forest links:






All scientific activities will take place at the Santa Rita Hotel, near the University of Sao Paulo http://www.hotelpousadasantarita.com.br/index_800.htm  (homepage in Portuguese). The hotel has single, double and triple rooms. Payment for accommodation is done by major credit cards (e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Diners and American Express) or in cash at hotel desk upon check in. 

Room type Price in BRL (per night) Approximate USD

Luxo Single


Luxo Double


Super Luxo Single


Super Luxo Double


Super Luxo Triple


Suite Master Single


Suite Master Double


















Guidelines for abstract submission


Deadline for abstract submission: April 15th 2012

There is no restriction on the number of abstracts submitted per registered participant. However, the number of oral presentations allowed will be limited according to time availability. Abstracts not accepted for oral presentations will be referred to poster presentations. Acceptance of presentations will be decided upon by a scientific committee.

Abstracts must be written in English, with a limit of 300 words.

Abstracts should include a statement of the purpose of your study, the Research methods used, the results observed, and conclusions drawn from your study.


Please use the following guidelines while preparing your abstract:

a) Use Times New Roman, 12 point font

b) Provide the names and affiliations of all authors

c) Underline name of presenting author

d) Preferred type of presentation: oral or poster

e) Reference to financial support if applicable




If you bring accompanying persons, please contact Rodrigo Pereira for estimates of costs.


Web authors Simon van Noort (Iziko South African Museum)

and Jean-Yves Rasplus (INRA, France)


Citation: van Noort, S. & Rasplus, JY. 2025. Figweb: figs and fig wasps of the world. URL: www.figweb.org(Accessed on <day-month-year>).

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