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June 23th


8:00 – 18:00    Arrival of participants, and registration



June 24th

Session: Species and populations

Chaired by Nina Rønsted and Jean-Yves Rasplus


8:30       Opening ceremony

9:00       Keynote Talk: The global phylogeny of Ficus – current status.

Nina Rønsted, Wendy Clement & George Weiblen

10:00     Taxonomy and systematics of Ficus subsection Urostigma.  
Bhanumas Chantarasuwan, Cornelis Berg, Finn Kjellberg, Marjorie Garcia & Peter van Welzen

10:30     Coffee break + Poster section

11:00     Adaptations and constraints on dioecious Ficus phenology.  
Anthony Bain, Lien-Siang Chou, Hsy-Yu Tzeng, Martine Hossaert McKey & Finn Kjellberg

11:20     Stability and instability in the fig wasp mutualism: genes, chemicals, populations, species and beyond.
Allen Herre

11:40     Water availability determines the richness and abundance of Neotropical fig trees.
Rodrigo Pereira, Luis Coelho & Milton Ribeiro


12:20     Lunch


14:00     Keynote Talk: Cleaning-up the fig wasp taxonomy... it's time to put order in the mess!

Jean-Yves Rasplus & Astrid Cruaud

15:00     The global phylogeny of the Agaonidae: were previous analyses misled by a long branch attraction artefact?  
Astrid Cruaud & Jean-Yves Rasplus

15:20     Taxonomy revision and molecular phylogeny of the fig wasp genus Anidarnes Bouček, 1993 (Hymenoptera, Sycophaginae) with comments on related Sycophaginae groups.
Fernando Farache, Astrid Cruaud, Gwenaëlle Genson, Rodrigo Pereira & Jean-Yves Rasplus

15:40     Coffee Break + Poster section

16:10     The global phylogeny of the subfamily Sycoryctinae (Pteromalidae): Parasites of an obligate mutualism.
Simon Segar, Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde, Jean-Yves Rasplus & James Cook.

16:30     A fig wasp living fossil (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Agaonidae,) pollinating some extant fig species of New World Pharmacosycea (Ficus, Moraceae).  
William Ramírez

16:50     What do experimental hybrid fig trees tell us about the relationship between fig trees and their pollinators? 
Stephen Compton, Nazia Suleman & Shazia Raja


19:00     Evening reception




June 25th

Session: Non-pollinating fig wasps and other organisms

Chaired by Stephen Compton and Finn Kjellberg



8:30       Keynote Talk: This little world’ - the ecological communities associated with figs.

Stephen Compton

9:30       The parasitic wasps of Ficus guianensis: temporal and trophic community structure, impact on the fig-pollinator mutualism.  
Marina Ciminera, Lucie Conchou, Finn Kjellberg & Martine Hossaert-McKey

9:50       Effect of landscape structure on richness and abundance of fig wasps associated to Neotropical fig tree species with different ecological strategies.
Ludmila Rattis-Teixeira, Monise Cerezini, Luis Coelho, Milton Ribeiro & Rodrigo Pereira

10:30     Coffee break + Poster section

11:00     Ovipositor structure mirrors ecology in a multitrophic fig wasp community.  
Renee Borges

11:20     Non pollinating fig wasps oviposition strategies and fig morphology.
Larissa Elias, Finn Kjellberg & Rodrigo Pereira

11:40     Rapid evolution of Wolbachia sequences inside the compact fig syconia of Ficus benjamina (Ficus: Moraceae).
Chun-Yan Yang, Jin-Hua Xiao, Li-Ming Niu, Sheng-Nan Bian, Yue-Guan Fu & Da-Wei Huang.


12:00     Lunch


14:00     Keynote Talk: Predictable patterns of feeding regime diversification in non-pollinating fig wasps.

Finn Kjellberg, Astrid Cruaud, Larissa Elias, Rodrigo Pereira & Jean-Yves Rasplus

15:00     Indirect mutualism: ants protect fig seeds and pollinators from parasites.  
K. Charlotte Jandér

15:20     Oviposition patterns of three internal ovipositing fig wasps of Ficus curtipes.
Huan-Huan Chen, Da-Rong Yang & Yan-Qiong Peng

15:40     Coffee break + Poster section

16:10     Gall induction and larval development of Idarnes group flavicollis associated to Ficus citrifolia in Brazil.
Sergio Jansen-Gonzalez, Simone Teixeira, Finn Kjellberg & Rodrigo Pereira

16:40     Specialization and host preferences in Neotropical  non-pollinating fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea).
Fernando H .A. Farache & Rodrigo A.S. Pereira

17:00     Non-wasp fauna associated with Neotropical fig trees: insights for studies on community ecology.
Luciano Palmieri, Fernando Farache & Rodrigo Pereira

17:20     Ants nesting within branches of Ficus subpisocarpa in Taiwan.
Anthony Bain, Bhanumas Chantarasuwan, Martine Hossaert-McKey, Bertrand Schatz, Finn Kjellberg & Lien-Siang Chou


19:00     Evening cultural event
Music and Dance Presentation




June 26th

Session: Conflicts of the mutualism

Chaired by Finn Kjellberg


8:30       Keynote Talk: Is there really a fig-pollinating wasp conflict? Some provocative thoughts on “selection for the mutualism”.

Finn Kjellberg

9:30       Performance of Pegoscapus sp. in pollinated and unpollinated figs in Ficus citrifolia.
Sergio Jansen-Gonzalez, Simone Teixeira & Rodrigo Pereira

9:50       Precision of host sanctions in the fig tree – fig wasp mutualism: consequences for uncooperative pollinators.
K. Charlotte Jandér, Allen Herre & Ellen Simms

10:20     Coffee break + Poster section

11:00     Absence of host sanctions promotes the evolution of pollinator wasp cheating in Eupristina wasps associated with the Asian fig, Ficus altissima.
Jiang-Bo Zhao, Da-Rong Yang, Carlos Machado, Yan-Qiong Peng & K. Charlotte Jander & E. Allen Herre

11:20     Syconium size and variation in conflict between fig-pollinator mutualists.
Derek Dunn, Sarah Al-Beidh, Simon Segar, Douglas Yu, Jo Ridley, Rodrigo Pereira & James Cook

11:40     Asymmetric and indeterminate interaction in the evolution of cooperation or altruism.
Rui-Wu Wang, Lei Shi, Bao-Fa Sun, Qi Zheng & Lixing Zhu.


12:00     Lunch


14:00     Visit to University of São Paulo (Lab of reproductive fig biology + fig trees)


18:00     Dinner


19:30     Evening cultural event: Chamber Music (Dom Pedro II Theatre)




June 27th


7:30       Field excursion: Cerrado vegetation and fig adaptations to seasonal forests


12:00     Lunch (Rodizio Grill)


15:00     Poster section + Coffee break


17:00     Closing ceremony


19:30     Symposium dinner



Picinguaba - Ubatuba. Photo Finn Kjellberg

Post-symposium excursion: Coastal Atlantic Forest,

Picinguaba - Ubatuba city


June 28th


7:00       Departure to Picinguaba (approximately 8 hours by coach)

16:00     Walk around for figs. Dinner and discussions




June 29th


8:30       Visit to Atlantic Forest and fig trees

19:00     Visit to a historic city (Paraty) and dinner




June 30th


6/7:00   Departure to Sao Paulo (arrival at 11:30 am) airport and Ribeirao Preto city
OBS: exact time to confirm, according to participants’ flight schedules.


Web authors Simon van Noort (Iziko South African Museum)

and Jean-Yves Rasplus (INRA, France)


Citation: van Noort, S. & Rasplus, JY. 2025. Figweb: figs and fig wasps of the world. URL: www.figweb.org(Accessed on <day-month-year>).

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