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Identification keys and field guides to Ficus species

(Life; Embryophyta (plants); Angiospermae (flowering plants); Eudicotyledons; Order: Rosales; Family: Moraceae; Genus: Ficus)

To access these keys you will need to enable Java on your web browser

Interactive key to the figs of Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia (Borneo)

by Timothy Laman and George Weiblen

Interactive key to the figs of New Guinea

under development by Alex Hooker and George Weiblen

Key to Ficus species in the Flora Zambesiaca region (Africa)

website of Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 

Field guides  
Usambara (Tanzania) fig trees and fig wasps Field guide to Malagasy Ficus and fig wasps

Ficus (MORACEAE) da Mata Atlāntica, BRASIL

FICUS of the Atlantic Rainforest 1

by Anderson Ferreira P. Machado, Rodrigo A. S. Pereira & Finn Kjellberg


Web authors Simon van Noort (Iziko South African Museum)

and Jean-Yves Rasplus (INRA, France)


Citation: van Noort, S. & Rasplus, JY. 2025. Figweb: figs and fig wasps of the world. URL: www.figweb.org(Accessed on <day-month-year>).

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