Conidarnes santineloi female. A habitus lateral view B antenna C
head in frontal view D head in dorsal view E mesosoma in lateral
view F mesosoma in dorsal view.

Conidarnes santineloi female. A propodeum
and terminal mesosoma in dorsal view B prosternum C wing D detail of

Conidarnes santineloi male. A habitus
lateral view B antenna C head in frontal view D mesosoma in dorsal
view. |
region: Brunei. |
Host fig:
Ficus pallescens L. (small leaved form - see Berg and Corner 2005) |
Berg, C.C. &
Corner, E.J.H. 2005. Moraceae - Ficus. Flora Malesiana Series
I (Seed Plants) Volume 17/Part 2. National Herbarium of the
Netherlands, Leiden.
Farache, F.H.A. & Rasplus,
J.Y. 2015.
Conidarnes, a new Oriental genus of Sycophaginae (Hymenoptera, Agaonidae)
associated with Ficus section Conosycea (Moraceae). ZooKeys
539: 119–145.
doi: 10.3897/zookeys.539.6529.
Photographs © Fernando Farache
(Centre de Biologie pour la Gestion des Populations,
Montpellier, France).
Next genus:
Ashmead, 1904