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Ficus and fig wasp references


(Life; Embryophyta (plants); Angiospermae (flowering plants); Eudicotyledons; Order: Rosales; Family: Moraceae; Genus: Ficus)

This list has yet to become a comprehensive compilation. Ideally we would like to develop a resource that includes all publications dealing with any aspect of life associated with fig trees. Please send details of additional or missing publications to Simon van Noort.



























Jackson, A.P. 2004 Cophylogeny of the Ficus microcosm. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc 79, 751.

Jackson A.P., Machado C.A., Robbins N., Herre E.A. 2008. Multi-locus phylogenetic analysis of neotropical figs does not support co-speciation with the pollinators: the importance of systematic scale in fig/wasp cophylogenetic studies. Symbiosis 45: 57-72

Jackson, S.W. 1910. Additional Notes On The Tooth-Billed Bower-Bird (Scenopactes Dentirostria) Of North Queensland. Emu 10, 81-88.

Jacobs, G.H. 1996. Primate Photopigments And Primate Color Vision. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 93, 577-581.

Jacobson, N.H.G. & Dupleiss, E. 1976. Observations On The Ecology And The Biology Of The Cape Fruit Bat Rousettus Aegyptiacus Leachi In The Eastern Transvaal. South African Journal Of Science 72, 270-273.

Jandér, K. C. 2015. Indirect mutualism: ants protect fig seeds and pollen dispersers from parasites. Ecological Entomology 40: 500–510. DOI: 10.1111/een.12215

Jandér, C. K., Herre, E. A., Simms, E. L. 2012. Precision of host sanctions in the fig tree–fig wasp mutualism: consequences for uncooperative symbionts. Ecology Letters 15: 1362–1369. doi: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2012.01857.x

Janzen, D.H. 1979. How many babies do figs pay for babies? Biotropica 11:48–50.

Janzen, D.H. 1979. How to be a fig. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 10:13–51.

Janzen, D.H. 1981. Ficus Ovalis Seed Predation By An Orange-Chinned Parakeet (Brotogeris Jugularis) In Costa Rica. Auk 98, 841-844.

Jevanandam, N., Goh, A. & Corlett, R. 2013. Climate warming and the potential extinction of fig wasps, the obligate pollinators of figs. Biology Letters 9: 20130041 doi:10.1098/rsbl.2013.0041

Jia, L.-Y., Xiao, J.-H., Xiong, T.-L., Niu, L.-M. & Huang, D.-W. 2016. The transformer genes in the fig wasp Ceratosolen solmsi provide new evidence for duplications independent of complementary sex determination. Insect Molecular Biology. doi: 10.1111/imb.12210

Johns, A.D. 1981. Observations On Nesting Behaviour In The Rhinoceros Hornbill, Buceros Rhinoceros. Malayan Nature Journal 35, 173-177.

Johns, A.D. 1987. The Use Of Primary And Selectively Logged Forest By Malaysian Hornbills (Bucerotidae) And Implications For Their Conservation. Biological Conservation 40, 179-190.

Jordano, P. 1983. Fig-Seed Predation And Dispersal By Birds. Biotropica 15, 38-54.

Joseph, K.J. 1952. Contributions to our knowledge of fig-insects (Chalcidoidea: parasitic Hymenoptera) from India. II. Agra University Journal of Research (Science). 1:73-82.

Joseph, K.J. 1953. Contribution to our knowledge of fig insects (Chalcidoidea: Parasitic: Hymenoptera) from India. III. Description of three new genera and five new species of Sycophagini, with notes on biology, Distribution and evolution. Agra University Journal of Research (Science). 2:53-82. 

Joseph, K.J. 1953. Contributions to our knowledge of fig insects (Chalcidoidea: parasitic Hymenoptera) from India. I. Agaontidae from Ficus glomerata Roxb. Indian Journal of Entomology. 15(12):127-137.

Joseph, K.J. 1953. Contributions to our knowledge of fig insects (Chalcidoidea: parasitic Hymenoptera) from India. IV. Descriptions of three new and records of four known species of Agaonini. Agra University Journal of Research (Science). 2:267-284.

Joseph, K.J. 1954. Contribution to our knowledge of fig insects (Chalcidoidea: parasitic Hymenoptera) from India. VI - On six species of Agaonidae. Agra University Journal of Research (Science). 3(2):401-416.

Joseph, K.J. 1954. Contribution to our knowledge of fig insects (Chalcidoidea: parasitic Hymenoptera) from India: on seven species of the genus Philotrypesis Först. with a note on unisexual variations and polymorphisms. Agra University Journal of Research (Science). 3(1):43-94.

Joseph, K.J. 1957. Contribution to our knowledge of fig insects (Chalcidoidea: parasitic Hymenoptera) from India. VII. Descriptions of fifteen new and revision of some old species. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 125:97-133.

Joseph, K.J. 1957. Le parasitisme de Philotrypesis caricae L. (Hym., Chalcidiens Callimomidae) et l'influence de la vie parasitaire sur le parasite. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris. 244:1269-1272.

Joseph, K.J. 1959. On a collection of fig insects (Chalcidoidea: Agaontidae) from French Guiana. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B). 28:29-36.

Joseph, K.J. 1961. Contributions to our knowledge of fig insects from India VIII. Notes on some new fig insects. Journal of Karnataka University. 4:88-100.

Joseph, K.J. 1964. A proposed revision of the classification of the fig insects of the families Agaonidae and Torymidae (Hymenoptera). Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B). 33(3/4):63-66.  

Joseph, K.J. 1982. New record of the fig wasp Blastophaga quadraticeps Mayr with remarks on the introduction of this insect to Iraq and on the dispersal of its host plant Ficus religiosa L. Bulletin of Basrah Natural History Museum. 5:101-107. 

Joseph, K.J. & Abdurahiman, U.C. 1968. Descriptions of six new species Decatoma (Chalcidoidea; Eurytomidae) from Ficus benghalensis L. Oriental Insects. 2(1):68-87.

Joseph, K.J. & Abdurahiman, U.C. 1969. Contributions to out knowledge of fig-insect (Hymenoptera, Agaontidae) from India IV. Further descriptions of new fig-insects from Ficus bengalensis L. Oriental Insects. 3:37-45.

Joseph, K.J. & Abdurahiman, U.C. 1981. Oviposition behavior of Ceratosolen fusciceps (Mayr) (Agaonidae: Hymenoptera) and the mechanism of pollination in Ficus racemosa. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. 78(2):287-291.

Joseph, K.J. & Abdurahiman, U.C. 1987. Biosystematics of fig wasps (Chalcidoidea: Hymenoptera). Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Animal Sciences). 96:533-542.

Joshi, A. R., Garshelis, D. L. & Smith, J. L. D. 1997. Seasonal And Habitat-Related Diets Of Sloth Bears In Nepal. Journal Of Mammalogy 78, 584-597.

Joshi, A. R., Smith, J. L. D. & Cuthbert, F. J. 1995. Influence Of Food Distribution And Predation Pressure On Spacing Behaviour In Palm Civets. Journal Of Mammalogy 76: 1205-1212.  

Jousselin, E., & F. Kjellberg. 2001. The functional implications of active and passive pollination in dioecious figs. Ecology Letters 4:151–158.

Jousselin, E., M. Hossaert-McKey, D. Vernet, & F. Kjellberg. 2001. Egg deposition patterns of fig pollinating wasps: implications for studies on the stability of the mutualism. Ecological Entomology 26: 602–608.

Jousselin, E. Hossaert-McKey, M. Herre, E.A. & Kjellberg, F. 2003. Why do fig wasps actively pollinate monoecious figs? Oecologia 134: 381-387.  

Jousselin E, Rasplus J-Y, Kjellberg F. 2001. Shift to mutualism in a parasitic lineage of the fig/fig wasp interaction. Oikos 94:287–94

Jousselin, E., J.Y. Rasplus & F. Kjellberg. 2003. Convergence and coevolution in a mutualism: evidence from a molecular phylogeny of Ficus. Evolution 57: 1255–1269.

Jousselin, E., Kjellberg, F., & E. A. Herre 2004. Flower specialisation and mutualism stability in a passively pollinated monoecious fig: a question of style and stigma. International Journal of Plant Sciences 165:587–593.

Jousselin, E., van Noort, S., Greeff, J. 2004. Labile male morphology and intraspecific male polymorphism in the Philotrypesis fig wasps. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution  33: 706-718.

Jousselin E., van Noort S., Rasplus J.Y., & Greeff, J.M.  2006. Patterns of diversification of afrotropical otiteselline fig wasps (Pteromalidae; Chalcidoidea): evolution of host use and ecological niches. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19: 253-266.

Jousselin E., van Noort S., Berry V., Rasplus J.Y., Rřnsted N., Erasmus J.C. & Greeff, J.M.  2008. One Fig to bind them all: host conservatism in a fig wasp community unravelled by cospeciation analyses among pollinating and non pollinating fig wasps. Evolution 62-7: 1777–1797.

Julien-Laferriere, D. 1993. Radiotracking Observations On Ranging And Foraging Patterns By Kinkajous (Potos Flavus) In French Guiana. Journal Of Tropical Ecology 9: 19-32.

Web authors Simon van Noort (Iziko South African Museum)

and Jean-Yves Rasplus (INRA, France)


Citation: van Noort, S. & Rasplus, JY. 2025. Figweb: figs and fig wasps of the world. URL: www.figweb.org(Accessed on <day-month-year>).

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